Monday, December 31, 2007

The Mystic Village that is Maitreyi

The ancient Seer-Poets of India communed with Nature, communed with the Infinite and their collective wisdom came to be known as the Vedas. It is said that the Vedas are Sruthi, that is they were cognised by the Seers in higher states of Consciousness !

Indian civilization and culture, from times immemorial, has been based on Vedic wisdom. The Vedic village of Maitreyi, spread over 25 acres, has been created for men who want to move away from the madding crowd and achieve mental peace and bliss.

This superb divine village is situated in the pristine, pure nature of the foothills of the Western Ghats, extolled in the Twelve Positive Sciences for their elevating and sublime experience.

An eco-friendly, cultural and spiritual retreat is Maitreyi and it is close to the Aliyar Dam Lake in Tamil Nadu, which is famous for its excellent climate and breathtaking scenic beauty. Maitreyi's layout is based on the Vedic science of Architecture, Vastu Vidya. Care has been exercised to use eco-friendly materials for its construction.

The agriculture here is organic as the Vedas extoll Organic farming. 25 acres adjoining the Anamalai hills which constitute Maitreyi is great to behold, as its harmonious layout enhances its natural beauty.The thrust is on Organic farming,whose by product is the preservation of the existing ecosystem !

Ayurvedic treatments along with the practice of Transcendental Meditation creates a feeling of well-being, says the tourists who had visited this vedic village. Health improves due to less tension. Tension has been defined as the sole villain which devastates the health of those who lead a mechanical life, which is the product of our own modern hotpot civilisation.

TM takes you to your depths, to the depths of Being. You will feel the calm of the State of Least Excitation of Consciousness or the Unified Field of Consciouness . The Invarient Reality ( physicists use the word Invarient, meaning Changeless ) will be experienced and the peace that passeth understanding will be felt by all.Classes on different aspects of Vedic culture and its art forms, classical dances and other cultural events, music performances and the celebration of festivals according to the Indian calender at Maitreyi's auditorium will give you a taste of what Vedic culture is all about

"The Vedas the are lighthouse of Eternal Wisdom leading man to salvation and inspiring him to supreme accomplishment " - said Mahesh Yoga, the founder of SCI.

The Vedic Village at Maitreyi is the representer of the calmness of Eternity. You can have TM clasees, have Ayurvedic treatments like Detox and Rejuvenation Therapy and feel more relaxed than ever, ready and refreshed spiritually to take on the challenges of the competitive world.
Your accomodation in any of these beautiful cottages and delicious veg meals, based on Ayurvedic recipes at the "Annapoorneshwari Restaurant " will make your stay at this mystic village heavenly !

You can get a glimpse of Rural India. You can watch the captivating waterfalls and hoary temples. You can also get a glimpse of the dynamic urban India, with its 400 million middle class, by visiting the high tech Coimbatore or Palghat.
The nearest airport is Coimbatore. For international flights Cochin.

Maitreyi - The Vedic Village
Aliyar 642 101
Pollachi (TK)
Coimbatore Dist
Tamil Nadu
Tel 91 - 4253 - 288763
Mob - 91 - 93454 90353
Site -
Email -

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The State of Least Excitation of Consciousness

Dr Lawrence Domash has brought profound correlations between the science of Quantum Physics and the Science of Creative Intelligence. The State of Least Excitation of the Quantum Field correlates to the state of Jnana or Tureeya, the Transcendental State, rightly called as the State of Least Excitation of Consciousness. " The Unified Field is the only Reality", declared Einstein. This Unified Field of Consciousness was what the ancient Seers called Brahman, the Absolute.

The Laws of Nature are found to be parallel on many different levels. Jung had extolled Indian Mysticism earlier. Order is infinite in the State of Least Excitation of Consciousness

Monday, December 10, 2007

Knowlege is Structured in Consciousness

' Richo Akshare Parame Vyoman ' says the Rig Veda, that Knowledge is basically structured in Consciousness.

The Rishies could write the wonderful Vedas, because their Consciousness levels were high. The Vedas were never written, they were cognised in higher states of Consciousness !

They saw the Self, in the Self, by the Self, because everything was their own Self.

Our aim is to improve our levels of Consciousness and achieve Unity Consciousness, which is the summum bonum of Life.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Creating Heaven on Earth

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi's Achievements: A Glimpse of Forty Years Around the World, 1970 - 1979


Maharishi's Year of ,Scientific Research

First scientific research on Transcendental Meditation, identifying the physiological correlates of higher states of consciousness. With this research, Transcendental Meditation gains worldwide publicity and inspires scientists throughout the world to research the wide range of benefits resulting from Transcendental Meditation.

The Main Purpose .is filmed at Poland Springs, Maine


Maharishi's Year of
Science of Creative Intelligence

Maharishi formulates the Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI) as the scientific theory for the development of higher states of consciousness, which naturally develop through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.

Maharishi establishes Maharishi International University (MIU) in U.S.A. to serve as a model of ideal education in the world.

Today (1996) MIU has been renamed Maharishi University of Management and is offering courses from kindergarten to Ph. D.

Maharishi University of Management's Doctoral Degree Programs are offered in six disciplines, including Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence.

The quality of life in the campus is admired by all.

The main theme of SCI is that
there exists a source from which
creative intelligence springs and
a goal toward which it progresses
as the process of evolution unfolds.
This source and this goal are identical
and can be identified as the inner-most
area of one's own life, as the source
of the thinking process: the
self-referral consciousness of everyone,
the field of pure creative intelligence."


Maharishi's Year of
the World Plan

Having trained 2,000 teachers of his Science of Creative Intelligence, Maharishi inaugurates his World Plan to 'Solve the Age-Old Problems of Mankind in This Generation'. The Seven Goals of the World Plan are:

To develop the full potential of the individual
To improve governmental achievements

To realize the highest ideals of education

To solve the problems of crime, drug-abuse and all behavior that brings unhappiness to the family of man

To maximize the intelligent use of the whole environment

To bring fulfillment to the economic aspirations of society, and the individual

To achieve the spiritual goals of all mankind in this generation

A Promise for the Family of Man is filmed in Houston,Texas.


Maharishi's Year of
Action of the World Plan

More than 2,000 World Plan Centers are established in all parts of the world, offering courses in the Science of Creative Intelligence.

Maharishi's address on government is filmed before the Illinois and Michigan legislatures.

Maharishi's keynote address is filmed at the Annual Convention of the American Association of Higher Education in Chicago.


Maharishi's Year of
Achievement of
the World Plan

Discovery of the Maharishi Effect: . one percent of the population practicing the Transcendental Meditation Program in any city reduces the crime rate, accident rate, and sickness rate. This means overall increasing purity in the collective consciousness of the city.

Through the Maharishi Effect, .the goals of Maharishi's World Plan immediately become much easier to achieve.

Knowledge for Fulfillment of Life .is filmed at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

We have found the formula for the
Age of Enlightenment. When crime
can be quietly reduced in four cities,
the same program, given to all cities
in the world, will bring the
Sunshine of the Age of Enlightenment."



Maharishi's Year of
Fulfillment of
the World Plan

With the discovery of the Maharishi Effect, the profound nature of Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence is further validated.

The Maharishi Effect demonstrates that even collective life (society or nation) can be fully developed and enriched through a fraction (one percent) of the population practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique.

The Maharishi Effect ..establishes a new formula for the creation of an ideal society, free from crime and problems, and with this, Maharishi envisions the dawn of a new age for mankind -- the Age of Enlightenment.

On 12 January, Maharishi inaugurates the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment for the whole world in Switzerland, and travels to all six continents inaugurating the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment for each continent.

The Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment brings the first wave of fulfillment of Maharishi's World Plan on the basis of Maharishi's aspirations to create life according to Natural Law and is the first step in the creation of Heaven on Earth.

Having been convinced, through scientific research and practical experience, that the age of ignorance can be transformed into the Age of Enlightenment in a very natural way, Maharishi establishes a global organization to actualize his transformation -- Maharishi conceives of the World Government of the Age of Enlightenment with authority in the invincible, evolutionary power of Natural Law.

Maharishi establishes Maharishi European Research University (MERU) in Seelisburg, to monitor the rise of the Age of Enlightenment in all parts of the world, and to investigate the full range of possibilities inherent in human consciousness.


Maharishi's Year of

Maharishi inaugurates the World Government of the Age of Enlightenment, a non-political, non-religious, global organization with sovereignty in the domain of consciousness, authority in the invincible power of Natural Law, and activity in purifying world consciousness with the participation of the people of over 120 countries and 1,200 Capitals of the Age of Enlightenment around the world.

(In 1989, with the government of the U.S.S.R. adopting Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Ayur-Veda, it is not any more a matter of 120 countries: the influence of Transcendental meditation is truly global, bringing fulfillment to Maharishi's initial thought of spiritually regenerating the whole of mankind.)

Maharishi introduces the TM-Sidhi program and starts to train Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to function from the Unified Field all the Laws of Nature, to purify world consciousness.

This is the start of a new theme of action, an ideal path of performance following the principle of least action, Vedic Action, which upholds all activity in Nature from that level of intelligence which is eternal silence, the lively potential of infinite dynamism, the basis of all activity in Nature.

This is Maharishi's principle of do less and accomplish more through the help of Natural Law; this is the Vedic Principle of Action: Nishkama karma yoga, Yogastah kuru karmani (Bhagavad-Gita II.48) which has been revived in its true sense after thousands of years.

The TM-Sidhi Program, leading to 'Yogic Flying', is the revival of the theoretical and practical knowledge of Yoga (Patanjali's Yoga Sutras) after thousands of years

This offers a new theme to life on earth: life naturally progressing without stress, strain, and fatigue, through alliance with the total potential of Natural Law.


Maharishi's Year of
Ideal Society

Having inaugurated the World Government of the Age of Enlightenment, Maharishi initiates the global performance of the World Government and inaugurates the 'Ideal Society Campaign' in 108 Countries'.

Scientific Research verifies the results of this campaign -- the decrease of negative trends, reduced crime rate, etc., and increase of positive trends in society.

Individuals meditate -
Individual life improves-

Society as a whole improves.

Having proved that the Transcendental Mediation and TM-Sidhi Program produces the same beneficial effect throughout society in every country, irrespective of differences in climate and culture, and having proved that individuals improve the quality of their life and simultaneously the quality of society, Maharishi's design of principles and programs to transform the world is confirmed.

It is confirmed that Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Movement, continuing in the world will create an ideal society -- Heaven on Earth.

"We are offering the world a chance
to rise to that brilliant majesty and
dignity of life which is the birthright
of every individual and every nation.
In the Transcendental Meditation and
TM-Sidhi program we have the
practical knowledge needed to
ring the Bell of Invincibility and
forever free mankind from bondage."


Maharishi's Year of
Invincibility to
Every Nation

Discovery of the Extended Maharishi Effect : the square root of one percent of the population practicing the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program together in one place produces coherence in collective consciousness, promoting positive and progressive trends in society.

Having proved the reliability of the Maharishi Effect irrespective of cultural differences in the world, as a scientist Maharishi proceeds to measure the invincibility of the Maharishi Effect.

Maharishi tests his formula by sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to the most troubled spots on earth (Iran, Rhodesia, Nicaragua) to create the Maharishi Effect and calm down violence and turbulence.

Again scientific research validates the success of this program.

Maharishi celebrates the rise of global coherence and proclaims Invincibility to Every Nation.


Maharishi's Year of
All Possibilities

Maharishi proclaims 'all possibilities for mankind' through his Science of Creative Intelligence -- the science of consciousness -- and celebrates the upsurge of organizing power of nature in world consciousness.

Maharishi begins his commentary of Rik Veda, the Apaurusheya Bhashya.

First Annual World Peace Assembly of Governors of the Age of Enlightenment is held in U.S.A. to create coherence in national and world consciousness.

"Every day is a precious day of life,
and one has to live life knowing its
full potential. The full potential of life
is the infinite variety of creation,
fully lively in the state of Unity.

So enjoy totality of life, all joys of life.
Live in the ocean of bliss, which is your Self
Continue to enjoy, and continue to
participate in the big World Peace Assemblies,
and create a coherent world consciousness
so that the world can perpetually
enjoy Heaven on Earth."


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Friday, November 30, 2007

SCI, the Science of the Absolute !

Dr Byron Ribgy of Maharshi International University opined that the Science of Creative Intelligence is the basic Science, the fundamental Science, the Master Science !

Since all sciences deals with the Relative and are all relative, they all depend on their Source, which is Absolute. In this sense, SCI becomes the source of all sciences and become the Science of all sciences !

Its practical aspect, the TM technique, can trigger the Relaxation Response in man and take him to Enlightenment. Enlightenment, said Dr Robert Keith Wallace, depends on the full development of Consciousness, and depends on the harmonious function of every part of the body.

Meditate Your Way to a Healthy Heart

TM twice a day improves cardio-vascular health
By Sara Altshul , Former Prevention alternative medicine editor Sara Altshul is now a freelance writer based in Rome, Italy.

It's true--according to a recent study, murmuring your mantra regularly might cut your risk of heart attack and stroke. In fact, study participants who practiced a special form of meditation improved cardiovascular health.

Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles department of psychology, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles, and the Maharishi University of Management College of Maharishi Vedic Medicine in Fairfield, IA, randomly split 60 African-American people with high blood pressure into two groups. One learned transcendental meditation (TM) and practiced it for 20 minutes, twice a day. The other received standard heart disease prevention education.

Seven months later, researchers used ultrasound to measure fatty deposits and the thickness of the participants' artery walls. The TM group had a decrease in artery wall thickness, which could reduce heart attack risk by up to 11 percent and stroke risk by up to 15 percent. Artery wall thickness increased in the education group (Stroke, 2000).
There's "very strong evidence from this and other studies that meditation has health-promoting effects," says Prevention advisor John Astin, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. And benefits could extend to all ethnic groups.

To learn more about transcendental meditation, visit their Web site.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

World Government for the Age of Enlightenment

Mahesh Yogi founded the World Government for the Age of Enlightenment in Seelisberg, Switzwerland in 1975.

"In response to the call of time, a non-political, non-religious World Government has been established, which has the knowledge and expertise to create an ideal society".

TM practitioners are found to be generating more friendliness and compassion and are contributors to World Peace. An ideal society can be created, if more persons establish themselves in the Unified Field of Consciousness.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Transcendental Consciousness proved

In his PhD Thesis, Dr Robert Keith Wallace proposed a Fourth Major State of Consciousnes, the Transcedental Consciousness. " The physiological effects of TM, a proposed Fourth Major State of Consciousness.

In his " Neurophyisology of Enlightenment ", he says " What the ancients meant by supreme knowledge Jnana, was that state of perfect order, zero entropy". The State of Least Excitation of Consciouness or rather the Quantum Ground State of Consciousness is the basis of all.

TC - The Fourth Major State of Consciousness

In his PhD Thesis, Dr Robert Keith Wallace proposed a fourth major state of Consciousness called Transcendental Consciousness

Physiological Effects of Transcendental Meditation
Robert Keith Wallace 1
1 Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Center for the Health Sciences, Los Angeles, California 90024

Oxygen consumption, heart rate, skin resistance, and electroenceph-alograph measurements were recorded before, during, and after subjects practiced a technique called transcendental meditation. There were significant changes between the control period and the meditation period in all measurements. During meditation, oxygen consumption and heart rate decreased, skin resistance increased, and the electroencephalogram showed specific changes in certain frequencies. These results seem to distinguish the state produced by transcendental meditation from commonly encountered states of consciousness and suggest that it may have practical applications

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A write up about TM

Transcendental Meditation

Twelve healthy long-term meditators who had been practicing Transcendental Meditation for 30 years showed a 40-50% lower brain response to pain compared to 12 healthy controls, reported by a latest NeuroReport journal article, published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Vol.17 No.12; 21 August 2006:1359-1363). Further, when the 12 controls then learned and practiced Transcendental Meditation for 5 months, their brain responses to pain also decreased by a comparable 40-50%. Current issue (Aug 9)

Transcendental Meditation could reduce the brain's response to pain because neuroimaging and autonomic studies indicate that it produces a physiological state capable of modifying various kinds of pain. In time it reduces trait anxiety, improves stress reactivity and decreases distress from acute pain.

According to Orme-Johnson, lead author of this research, "Prior research indicates that Transcendental Meditation creates a more balanced outlook on life and greater equanimity in reacting to stress. This study suggests that this is not just an attitudinal change, but a fundamental change in how the brain functions".

Pain is part of everyone's experience and 50 million people worldwide suffer from chronic pain. Transcendental Meditation would have a long term effect in reducing responses in the affective component of the pain matrix. Future research could focus on other areas of the pain matrix and the possible effects of other meditation techniques to relieve pain.

According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, chronic pain afflicts 50 million people worldwide, and acute pain is the most common reason people seek medical attention. Stress responses to untreated pain adversely impact virtually all systems of the body, especially the cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, and immune systems. The cost of treating pain is estimated at $100 billion each year in the U.S. alone.

Transcendental Meditation, derived from the ancient Vedic tradition in India, is taught through a standard protocol involving lectures, personal instruction and group meetings, according to background information in the article

Visit for furthur details

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Self,a practiser of TM

I have been practising TM for the last 31 years. It has tremendous utility.

It has been a stree reliever. All the accumulated stress goes out of the system

TM has also made me more forgiving and philosophical. It has made me generate more friendliness and compassion.

It has also given me moments of Bliss. It has prepared me for the Goal of Life, Self Actualisation.

There are 5 million meditators around the globe and the movement is least in India

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Man's Evolution to Cosmic Consciousness

Human evolution can be accelerated and TM is one of the techniques to accelerate it.

The animal man becomes the Divine Man by embracing Universality. After experiencing Transcendence, which is a state of Bliss, man becomes established in the fifth state of Cosmic Consciousness.

He consecrates himself to the world and becomes brother to the world.

Research has shown that those who pratice TM generate more friendliness and compassion. As declared by Manu, the Law Giver " The enlightened will spread the light of Life and will maintain higher consciousness in society !"

There are more than 5 million TMers in the world today. They are making the world better !

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The TM Technique

Mahesh Yogi's genius gave to the world the TM technique.

The Science of Creative Intelligence deals with the Absolute, the field of pure Intellience. It is derived from Prajnanam Brahma, that Energism of Consciousness is Absolute Being.

TM technique is the practical aspect of Creative Intelligence. The person who practised TM achieves total relaxation.

TM can take one to Transcendental Consciousness.

SCI & TM can take this world to Enlightenment. Mahesh Yogi says " Through the window of Science, we see the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment"